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This isn't your Typical Everyday fairytale. This story isn't sweet or sugary. 
It's Raw and Dark 
It's Rough and Dangerous 
And It's Definitely not for kids under 17 years of age. 
So turn back now if you're not ready for Lyric and Blaire's story. Because shit just got Real. 
“I’ve learned a lot this past year, but there are two things I’ll never forget: one, People aren’t what they seem, and two, I fucking hate liars.” –Blaire 
Blaire Morgan was a quiet, grief stricken girl when she left Mobile, Alabama, a year ago after her brother’s unexpected death. She returns a year later with fresh wounds from another betrayal, and she’s not the same person. A woman letting her tortured past rule her life, her “take no shit” attitude is catching the attention of everyone that crosses her path, including the bad boy front man of Lyrical Obsessions—the new band that plays at Jay Jay’s. When she learns he has something she wants, she plans on doing whatever it takes to get it. 
What is a demon? An evil spirit possessing a person, acting as a tormentor in Hell? 
Lyric “The Demon” Devereux is that tormentor and Hell is any place he sees fit, either in the fighting ring or on the streets. He killed his first person at seventeen years old, and that list has grown over the years—as well as his list of enemies—but his biggest enemy is himself and he doesn’t know how to win that battle. 
When Blaire comes into town like wildfire and turns heads, Lyric’s temper emerges—uninvited and unexpected. His plan to stay at a distance for her safety, and his sanity, changes when she continuously shows up with her defiance and seductive pull. He now has no choice but to face his past that could possibly destroy the both of them. 
Tempers will detonate. Lust will consume. Truth will destroy. But will love forgive?

DeAnna's Review:

*5 Stars*This series just keeps getting better and better! I was nervous to read this book because I’ll admit, I did not want to like Blaire. After the way she treated Trudy, in Learning to Live, I just did not want to like her. 
Blaire did redeem herself to me in the book. (As much as I hate to say that. lol) She truly had a reason to be as angry as she was and she was having a very difficult time letting go of it.
Lyric. I want a Lyric!! He is the total freaking package! Protective and gentle one minute and a total bada** the next minute! He is HOT! 
For a while I have been looking for a book with lots of action and this has so much of it!! I loved the suspense. It made it so hard to put the book down. I was sucked in from the beginning. So much happens in this book that I just can’t write about it without spoiling the story. There were a few unexpected surprises as well. 
R.D. is such an amazing writer. The intensity of this book will keep you from putting it down. The emotions demand to be felt. It was painful, angry, loving and passionate. The characters were strong even when they didn’t think they were. The characters in all three books of this series are very well developed which not only makes the stories easy to read but very enjoyable. I love R.D. Cole and cannot wait for her next book! I definitely recommend this and would also recommend you read Learning to Live and Learning to Heal first.

About the Author:

My name is Robin and I live in Alabama. I grew up an army brat and traveled a lot until we finally settled down along the Gulf Coast when I was 4. My husband is 9 years younger so I guess that makes me a COUGAR. I have a little girl who is 9 and is blind as well as autistic. My life is not boring with them two in it. Believe me. I have always loved creating and I would constantly draw on my walls. I love painting and reading. Writing is something I wanted to do but didn't think I could, until I woke up at three a.m. a few months back and started writing. Life has a way of throwing rocks at you and putting cracks in your soul. Either you can duck and cover or you can make something beautiful from the cracks.
After that, the story took over. Even though some pieces of my life experience are within it, it is Tru and Jax’s story now. I have truly fell in love with this story and hope you all do too.

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