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If someone had told me a year ago that I was about to fall in love, go on an epic roadtrip, ride a Triceratops, sing on a bar, and lose my virginity, I would have assumedthey were on drugs.

Well, that is, until I met Beckham.

Beck was mostly to blame for my recklessness. Gorgeous, clever, undeniably charming Beck barreled into my life as if it were his mission to make sure I nevertook living for granted. He showed me that there were no boundaries, rules were for the spineless, and a kiss was supposed to happen when I least expected.

Beck was the plot twist that took me by surprise. Two months before I met him, death was knocking at my door. I’d all but given up my last scrap of hope when suddenly, I was given a second chance at life. This time around, I wasn’t going to let it slip through my fingers.

We set out on a road trip with nothing to lose and no guarantees of tomorrow.

Our road trip was about young, reckless love. The kind of love that burns bright.

The kind of love that no road-map could bring me back from.


**Recommended for ages 17+ due to language and sexual situations.**

SJ's Review.

Okay firstly let me just say I have had read and reviewed some pretty awesome books but damn this one right here hit the lot. It is definately up there with my favourites. So when I started reading I thought it seemed a little like another book I have read but I carried on and then realised it was so more... so much more. 

The beginning see's Abby in a funeral home picking out an urn... when in walks Beck. What a place to meet. Straight off the mark these two are bantering back and forth, you can tell Beck is attracted to Abby but he isn't aware of the baggage Abby is carrying. 

Abby is recovering from a heart transplant and is planning a secret road trip behind her over protective parents backs. Let's be serious they aren't going to willing let her go. Abby has been under her parents watchful eye since she became sick, so now she just wants to get away from it all for just a little while. Abby does have a reason and a destination in mind for her road trip... so I guess that's something. Where is Abby heading?

Queue Beck. When this sexy stranger in a baseball cap invites himself on Abby's roadtrip Abby is a little put out. With Beck's number in hand can Abby resist the temptation? Or will she willingly agree for him to come along? Let's be serious, of course she can't resist the temptation... this would be a pretty short book if she could. She doesn't budge easily though. She has to have a hard shove from her very ill best friend Caroline first. Abby is living life for herself and for Caroline as Caroline isn;t allowed out of hospital yet. 

When Abby accepts Beck's offer I think she surprises herself but not Beck. With that sexy grin, devious dimples and the boyish charm, who could honestly say no? Beck knew Abby couldn't resist and I think deep down Abby knew she couldn't resist either. Does Beck know what he's getting himself into? Can he keep Abby safe? How will Abby's parents react when they realise Abby has left with some stranger?

Abby and Beck clearly have a connection and are attracted to eachother from the off but Abby is convinced nobody would find her attractive. Boring little Abby with a massive scar on her chest. Christ this girl needs to realise, her scar makes her beautiful and beauty isn't only skin deep. 

Abby is keep Caroline up to date all along the trip, the relationship these two have is fabulous. Abby is calling, texting and sending photos and videos the entire time. These two share a huge connection much deeper than friendship, each of them know what the other is going through yet they don't let it dampen thier spirits. Little does Abby know, Caroline doesn't have long left to live but Caroline wants Abby to experiance life not just sit around and worry about her. How will Abby react when she finds out she has lost one of them closest people to her?

Thoughtout the book you see Abby's jealous side emerge. Beck and Abby aren't dating yet she gets very jealous a number of times when she see's a female talking to Beck. Is this her insecurities showing? or is it purely because she is still young? I really do feel sorry for Abby in a certain scene while sitting around a bonfire, even thought I'm not entirely sure Beck did what Abby thinks. She didn't witness it after all.

After this things get pretty heated between Abby and Beck. Guilt. Guilt is all Abby is feeling the following day. After getting a frantic call from her Mum, Abby realises that while she was having her very first sexual experiance her best friend was taking her last breath. Queue big nasty tears. I ws blubbering. Having to cut the trip short, Abby heads home, saying goodbye to Beck and not knowing when she will see him again. Little does she know he will be there for her on the day she most needs him. What a gent.

Finally Abby decides to head back off on her road trip. With her parents consent this time. I don't think they are overly happy about it because of Abby's heart and her checkups but it is something Abby needs to do. Maybe it will bring her closer to her parents in the long run?

Skipping forward a little and things go from bad to worse for Abby but  Beck is there for her through it all. That is until Abby learns of Beck's plans. Abby does what she thinks is right  and ends the relationship, breaking both their hearts in the process. Has she done the right thing? 

One year passes and Abby is heading off to presue her dream. She has finally figured out what she wants to do with her life and is heading off to college. Will she finally get the man of her dreams or has she left it too late? A year is a long time in the life of a student. Has Beck moved on? Has he got a girlfriend? 

The way in which Abby reaches out to Beck was my favourite part. So unique. Never read this sort of reunion before it was great! Question is. Will Beck respond? Will he even see what Abby has done? Or will it all just be total humiliation for Abby? 

Both characters deserve a happy ever after. Whether it be together or seperate I think they'll both be great. 


This book had me laughing and crying. Even though there are sad parts this book was a breath of fresh air. Absolutely loved it, The characters were awesome and life like. Not everyone gets the happy ever after the deserve and this showed in this book. Nothing is ever smooth sailing. I want more of Beck and Abby. I read this is one sitting.... I even forgot to eat... yup thats how enthralled I was with this book. 

P.S R.S Grey you rocked the world lady!


The quote that will stick with me in this book is

"Clear your mind of can't" 

It's simple yet so true. 



Just a short Excerpt

"Jason leaned in and whispered in my ear, “That was quite an introduction to Drink or Dare.” I heard him say it, but just as he began to speak, I shifted my gaze from Ian’s boxers up to Beck. He was watching me with his trademark grin, except the bonfire shadowed its appearance so that his features were masked in a mysterious glow. Staring at each other over that bonfire, it started to become clear that there were one million ways to view the world, but Beck and I were seeing everything in the same wavelength. Like life was one big private joke that we shared."

'I stared up at the ceiling feeling all things at once, but mostly I felt whole heartedly in love with this boy.' - Abby

About the Author.

I am a lover of books, chocolate, reality TV, metaphors and similes, black labs, and cold weather.







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