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He was seven. She was four. Neighbors and best friends. He was her protector. She was his reason. Each had their battles but they fought them together. He had a plan. She wasn’t aware.
She was seventeen. He was twenty. Tragedy strikes and their life is derailed. She leaves to heal and fulfill a dream to dance on stage. He is left behind and forgets how to live.
He stops searching. She begins looking. Can they ever set one another free, or does fate have something else in store for them?
**Due to adult language/situations this book is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18**

DeAnna's Review:

This is the first book I have read by this author. This is also the first time I had to stop multiple times to clear my blurred vision while reading a book. It is imperative that you have a box of tissues (or two or three) right beside you. They WILL be needed. This is going to be one book you won’t want to put down.
Where do I start. It’s going to be so hard to write this without any spoilers, but I’m going to try. Ok. Here goes...
This beautiful story starts out when the main characters Lucas (her Luke) and Phoebe (his Twinkle) are 7 and 4 and meeting for the first time, when Phoebe’s family move next door. It’s when Luke also finds out that Phoebe has cancer.
“I have cancer.” ~ Phoebe
“Well I am a superhero, and we’ll get rid of cancer.” ~Lucas
“You can be my superhero and I’ll be your ballerina.” ~Phoebe
(This is where the blurred vision started for me. That scene was so precious!)
From that point forward, they grow up together and he becomes her best friend and protector.Throughout the book, there are so many obstacles these characters have to overcome. What you may think is best for someone is not always the case, as they come to learn. Both of these characters love each other so much, that they tend to create a lot of unnecessary drama for each other. Sometimes, I wanted to reach through the book and shake those two for what they were doing to each other. You could tell, throughout the whole book, by every line that they spoke, that they were completely in love with each other, yet, they would just keep screwing things up! At the same time, it also showed how incredibly strong, brave and unselfish these characters were trying to be. They always put the other first, even though the other didn’t always see it that way. Their decisions eventually led to them going separate ways.
Being apart does nothing to diminish the love these two have for each other. So what do you think will happen when fate steps in and their paths led them to each other once again? Trust me, you want to read this!!!
Let just say. WOW! This book is just amazing. Beautiful. Heartbreaking. Never have I felt such heartache, pain and sadness, from a book, so much that reached it deep down to my soul. It hurt. The emotions took my breath away so many times. This book literally had my heart pumping so fast and my breathing shallow the whole time I was reading. Like I said, I had to take multiple breaks to clear my vision, but to also get my emotions in check. As frustrating as they were, I completely adored these characters. Thank you Leigh Ann. I look forward to reading more from you! I highly recommend this book along with a value pack of tissues. :)

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About the Author:

Leigh Ann Lunsford is stay at home mom turned author. She writes Romance/New Adult and loves her happily ever after in all books and movies. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs in Fleming Island, Florida. When she isn't writing or reading you can find her stuck in front of really bad reality shows or watching Sons of Anarchy. Leigh Ann has a filthy mouth and a huge amount of sarcasm that knows no end. She hopes to give the voices in her head an outlet with many more novels to come.
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